This is a woman in her late sixties from Newport News decided to have liposuction to enhance her comfort. It is extremely common and often uncomfortable to develop some fatty accumulation above, below and in the bra area especially on the sides and back. There is not a great solution for this because there is not only extra fat but also excess skin and there can also be breast tissue Although liposuction is very tolerable and relieves discomfort, it does not address all of the problems. Obviously, it depends a little on skin elasticity, but with careful examination and discussion, Dr. Hubbard and a patient can determine if this is a reasonable choice for greater comfort. If overall breast size is an issue, we can discuss some improvement with liposuction to the breast as well. A more predictable choice for size and shape is breast reduction. The vertical type of reduction is much better for narrowing the breast so less protrudes from the side.
Surgeon: Dr. Thomas Hubbard
Patient Age: 70
Case Number: 410