This Virginia Beach woman in her mid-30s underwent gastric bypass over 10 years ago and lost a significant amount of weight. Soon afterwards, she had abdominoplasty and an arm lift at another practice.After 3 children she wanted further improvement in her shape and was concerned about not only extra skin that developed following her pregnancies but also skin towards her back that wasn't excised during her original surgery.Noticeable in her preoperative photo is a very uneven abdominoplasty scar and the recurrence of significant excess skin above and below the umbilicus.One can also see what is known as a “dog ear” on the sides which continues as a large roll of her flank and another of her mid back. She had a difficult decision to make with the choice of how we would extend the scar onto the back. We could have placed the scar quite low to be hidden with an undergarment, but this would only help the sag in the buttock area. She was mostly bothered by the sag of her flanks and mid back and these areas could only be improved if she would accept a scar that extends into a very visible area in the flanks and back. Obviously, she chose the latter, this is called an oblique flankplasty and as one can see it is very powerful at lifting some of the excess buttock skin as well. We also managed to excise the dog ears on front view and the skin above her old scar. The new vertical scar below the belly button is a result of moving so much skin down from above and repositioning the umbilicus.
Surgeon: Dr. Thomas HubbardCase Number: 927