This Virginia Beach woman in her early 40s has had several pregnancies but works hard to stay fit. She wanted an abdominoplasty mainly for muscle tightening but also for skin removal. Occasionally a patient like her is a candidate for what is known as “umbilical float”. With this procedure there is no scar around the belly button and no vertical scar beneath it. With a typical abdominoplasty, she would have both scars. But with the umbilical float method, her only scar is low and easily concealed with a small bathing suit. Most patients are not candidates for this because they want more skin removed. An umbilical float procedure on the wrong patient will lead to an umbilicus that is too low or not enough skin is removed or both. This woman was just the right candidate that could enjoy minimal visible scarring since she had less excess skin especially above her umbilicus. She is very happy with her skin and muscle tightening.
Surgeon: Dr. Thomas Hubbard
Case Number: 873