This 45 year old woman from Southeast Virginia had undergone a breast augmentation with a purse string type of breast lift nine years earlier at another practice. She came to me for a consultation because she was unhappy with the shape that resulted from this type of lift. During our discussion I explained how a full lift could greatly improve the sagging underneath and flattening that the purse string lift caused. Unfortunately the purse string lift removes extra skin around the nipple which will result in her breast lift scars being less than optimal. Still, this type of full lift is an excellent technique to correct the deformities that result from a purse string type lift regardless of whether an implant was placed at this time. Also, the full lift will not bottom out significantly over time and will likely stay stable for many years unless there are big weight fluctuations or pregnancies.
Surgeon: Dr. Thomas Hubbard
Patient Age: 45
Case Number: 391