This young woman is 29 years old, and underwent breast augmentation 9 years ago. She had saline implants placed in the submuscular pocket by another surgeon, and after surgery she became less and less pleased with the shape. As you can see in her before pictures, by the time she came in to consult with me about breast revision, her implants had fallen quite low compared to the ideal position beneath the nipple. During her consultation, we discussed that in her case, the best option would be placing the implants in a neo-subpectoral pocket. This is a nice technique that keeps the implants beneath the muscle, but places them in a new space above the old capsule, nicely supporting the implants in a much better position. She underwent this surgery through an incision beneath the areola and has been quite pleased with the natural and appropriate implant and breast shape that has remained stable after this surgery.
Surgeon: Dr. Thomas Hubbard
Patient Age: 29
Patient Gender: Female
Case Number: 41